Minggu, 24 April 2011


By aprilstarr for http://hyunniespexers.wordpress.com
Queensland, Australia
There are images in our minds that gets fixed because they are replayed repeatedly…repeatedly …repeatedly.  The gallery of images in our minds .
We have soccer in our minds and the images of a player in various live action, not poses, frozen by shots taken by the  camera  for all time. Hyun Joong came to us  as if it was only a second away in the past tense thanks to those who have taken the photographs -who have the sharp exacting eyes to shoot the memorable moments.
Many of us were not there-I was not there when Hyun Joong played soccer with his teammates and against the opponent. But the pictures delivered to us made us occupy the best seats in the house.   Then we were  there…I can almost hear the screams of spectators, and my heart would have stopped beating for a second watching Hyun Joong make his calculated moves out of split-second decisions. Run here, run there, the feet almost not touching grounds. Did he turn into an angel whose wings were attached to his heels instead?  How come he could be up in the air as if it was an easy thing to do?
Kick here, kick up there-Hyun Joong showed his flexibility, strength of upper and lower body,  doing short sprints, all these in appropriate  timing. If only I was there…then I would have screamed with the  rest. I would have been on my feet giving him the applause he so deserved.
The camera captured his emotions, his persona-engaged in his world of sport-forgetting the other world he inhabited before. He was truly  immersed that what we now see is no longer the Hyun Joong that played Jihoo, Shillang, Jitjoong guy or Baek Seung Jo. I did not see traces of his being leader of SS501,  either.  He had cast them all aside. He had become Hyun Joong Soccer Player Number 9 .
Hyun Joong a complete athlete, a skilled athlete, oblivious to his surroundings remained focused to the game and how their team played. His facial expressions and his body language spoke soccer. His  verbal communication to his teammates is understood within the context of the game .
Then there were the images of unguarded times when Hyun Joong was carefree and in touched with his inner child, liberated and happy to be whatever he wants to be .
Playing soccer, we saw a natural Hyun Joong, no makeup, perspirations and all, everything in his manly glory for the game. The camera also gave us a natural Hyun Joong momentarily exhausted, pausing to recharge hands on the hips , assessing the situation and then readied to resume attacking once again in the field. These images are now embedded in our heads.  Can we reconcile them with  his  other images when he returns to his other world?
Oh, what a difference a game made to our minds .