Minggu, 24 April 2011

[Fan Account] Taking a Photo with Papa Hyun Joong

Reposted from KHJ Baidu
and Yuling@lovekimhyunjoong.com


The 4 steps involved in taking a group photo between little girls and Hyun Joong Papa…

第1步 – 某家长将6个打扮QQ的小女孩慢慢推向金选手…
1st step – A certain parent brought along 6 little girls, who were dressed cutely, slowly pushing them towards Player Kim..

第2步 – 金选手对小朋友一向无抵抗力,便好乖地做起爸爸维持秩序的角色…
2nd step – As always, Player Kim found it hard to resist kids, therefore obediently took on the role of a father, maintaining order…

第3步 –
将QQ小朋友聚合一起后,说: 你们乖乖不乱动,爸爸找多几个帅哥和你们拍照,好不好?…
QQ小朋友点点头: 好…
3rd step – After getting the cute kids together, (HJ Papa) said, “Be good, don’t move about, papa will go look for a few more handsome players to take photos together with you, okay?” The cute kids nodded their heads (and said), “Okay…”.

第4步 – QQ小朋友奸计得逞,和多个帅哥加金爸爸合照成功!!!
4th step – The ‘evil scheme’ from the cute kids went as planned, (they) succeeded in taking photos with many handsome players and Kim Papa!!!