Repost with full credit, please.
So many
unconfirmed rumors, news and information spreading around lately. Even
though it is good to share, and it is also natural that we want to know
as many information of Kim Hyun Joong’s upcoming activities as soon as
we can, please be careful of spreading any information that may possibly
cause a stir among the fans or unnecessary speculations.
Here is Keyeast’s notice with regards to the many information flying about.
I should
also take this chance to let everyone know that Keyeast do monitor what
we fans are doing on various SNS sites. As such, they are able to see
every single information we tweet about, as well as the enquiries,
questions and confusion that the general fans are having at the moment.
Let’s try to portray a good fandom culture^^
Source: Keyeast
Translator: Wonderrrgirl
Hello, this
is Keyeast. Due to the many questions raised about the release of Kim
Hyun Joong’s album in Korea, we will now post a notice with regards to
this issue.
Other than
[HEAT], the Japanese album that will be released on 4th July, there are
currently no plans of Kim Hyun Joong releasing an album in Korea.
With regards
to matters related to Naver Japan, we have already requested for the
management company in Japan to handle the matters swiftly. Due to some
unavoidable circumstances and problems for the activities in Japan, we
are in the midst of carrying out additional discussions with the
Japanese management company to clarify matters, so as to prevent causing
confusion for the fans.
Lastly, we
have a request for the fans of Kim Hyun Joong. Please beware of
unconfirmed news that has been spreading on various social networking
sites, especially those in which no official notice has been released to
confirm it. We will be releasing information and news of Kim Hyun
Joong’s schedules as swiftly as we can once it has been confirmed.
Before any official notice has been released, we would like to request
for the fans to refrain from spreading any unconfirmed news as well.
Thank you very much.